Frequently Asked Questions
Why Kindermusik?
Kindermusik is music-making with a purpose. Steeped in educational theory, our programs engage the potential found in every child. Through our dynamic classes, in-school programs, and research-based curriculum, we excel at setting a strong foundation for a lifetime of learning.
Our team knows that learning is most effective when it’s fun. At the same time, we make sure that our teachers are trained to understand the developmental aspects we support in your growing child. We combine activities based on early childhood development with the flair and passion of performing arts. As seasoned creative educators, many of us have been professional dancers, singers and performers. We bring that level of genuine dedication to all of our courses.
Our devotion to the children we work with is widely recognised and we have been a four-time recipient of Kindermusik International’s Maestro award for the top international program. We are currently ranked by Kindermusik International as the #1 Program in Hong Kong.
Kindermusik Classes
General information
In every Kindermusik class, your child is welcomed into a playful and nurturing environment where they will sing, move, play instruments, and hear stories—all while developing social skills, problem-solving skills, pre-math skills, and a foundation for reading. The Kindermusik curriculum focuses on whole-child development and helps you understand how your child is developing musically, cognitively, and socially. Classes are offered based on the child's age: Foundations (0-12 months old), Level 1 (1-2 years old), Level 2 (2-3 years old), Level 3 (3-4 years old), Level 4 (4-5 years old), Voice (5-7 years old).
All our Foundations, Level 1 and Level 2 classes are accompanied classes. As for Level 3 classes, the students attend the first 30 minutes of classes by themselves followed by a 15-minutes sharing time with the caregivers. Level 4 and Voice classes are unaccompanied.
A child learns Math, Cognition, Language and Literacy through being exposed to music. As music is made up of time signatures, beats and rhythm, your child’s brain catches up with the varying patterns that get the senses stimulated. Music and movement feed off each other, and these concepts help children be in control of their bodies, as they use them to interpret what they hear. For toddlers, in particular, moving to a steady beat guides their first walking steps quite literally, and learning inhibitory control through stop-and-go music allows them to be in command of their bodies.
Music also allows for socio-emotional and physical development of a child. As babies learn to vocally communicate, singing with them and exposing them to varying tones and rhythmic inflections allows them to build a repertoire of sounds. Singing together with children is also a great way to process feelings, and build stronger relationships among family and friends.
Only you can tell if your child is ready for a Kindermusik class. Each child is unique and reacts differently to group settings. Babies learn as early as you can imagine! We have had students as young as 4 weeks thrive and appreciate our classes. The nature of our classes use music to help children develop physically, emotionally and cognitively. This starts as soon as your baby is born!
The Foundations curriculum is a guided multi-sensory experience that helps babies understand the world around them. Music and language are given meaning with activities that explore dynamics of sound and movement. Adults are surprised that babies communicate back—whether through their actions or even vocalizing!
Babies from 0-12 months are rapidly developing—they are able to discern voices, preferences in music, and even their mother tongue! To harness that rapidly developing brain, we teach parents how to make the most of their activities to reinforce neural pathways for development. From Audiation to Active Listening activities, from social dancing to bonding activities, the Kindermusik by Baumhaus brings a developmentally appropriate experience and allows your baby to develop holistically.
Our classes use "real" developmentally appropriate instruments such as bells, resonator bars, triangles, rhythm sticks, among others that strengthen fine motor skills and inhibitory control. These skills will prepare our children to play more formal or traditional instruments as they get older.
The determination of whether or not your child is ready could be subjective and depends on varied factors. Here are some pointers to help gauge a child’s readiness level:
To learn a formal instrument, a child needs to be able to count, identify letters, and be able to distinguish the directions of right, left, up and down.
Depending on the instrument, children would need adapted fine motor skills, as well as eye tracking skills in reading.
To be able to play rhythm, a child would need to be able to keep a consistent steady beat, and be able to adjust to varying tempo. An ability to play rhythmic patterns is also necessary in this area.
Remember that sometimes, when a child expresses interest in playing an instrument, they could be in the phase of enjoying the musical experience, rather than the willingness to learn the discipline of the drills at this point in time. If that is the case, there are many play-based alternatives to prepare musical foundations while still keeping the child’s engagement in music.
The rainstick or rainmaker instrument is a long tubular instrument that belongs to the rattle family. Rainmakers are instruments that create a gentle sound of falling rain. Since it is tubular in shape, it is filled with colorful beads which provides the sound of gentle rain. Rainmakers provide both auditory and visual stimulation.
Quiet time or downtime is physically necessary for your child's brain to process the learning that happens during structured activities and interaction. Also, helping your baby relax will be beneficial as he or she will encounter the inevitable stresses of the world.
Kindermusik books offer multiple opportunities to stretch the imagination. We can use stories, to further support our pretend play, social interactions, make animal sounds, imitate a train, with sound and movement.
Gift vouchers are offered for classes and playroom access. You may email info@baumhaus.com.hk for more details.
Trial classes & regular classes
One trial class is offered for first-time students. The trial class fee is HKD 350 which includes free same day playroom access.
Baumhaus uses a robust online class management system which allows clients to book classes and settle payment online as well as check the most updated schedule of classes anytime. In order to book a trial class, kindly create a personal account first by following the below steps:
- Open the link: https://sval-smart-systems.com/baumhaus/portal/
- Click ""Create an Account"" and complete all details.
- Once all has been completed successfully, a message will be displayed that an automatic email has been sent to your email account.
- Confirm the link in your email account.
- You may now log in with your email and password.
- Click on “Trial Class” and select the class you wish to book.
Please note that for classes offered in our satellite venues, individual booking procedures apply.
If you have scheduled a class in our Wan Chai center, we recommend for you to arrive the earlier the better. Please arrive at our centre at least 30 minutes before your scheduled trial class so that your child can have time to play in the playroom and settle down before the class starts. Free playroom entry is included on the day of your trial class so please feel free to enjoy!
Socks are required for all adults in the Wan Chai playroom and studio and non-slip socks are advisable for children over the age of 4yrs. Socks are available for sale at the reception for HKD 10.
We allow one adult to accompany your child during the class. This is to ensure that we have room in the classroom to move freely, without it being too crowded. At the moment, our class size is capped at 10. Under special circumstances, and if space allows, you may be permitted to bring an additional adult to one class. Kindly check with the class teacher before the class.
Please switch off your mobile phone in the classroom as it is not permitted to take photos or videos during class time. We also wish for you to be fully engaged with your child, without the distraction of your device. In order to protect everyone's privacy video and photo taking are also not allowed in the playroom area/through the window into the classroom.
Children learn in their own ways! There are ages and phases wherein they love to move around and explore their locomotor skills, but this does not mean that they are unable to absorb what is done and taught in class. Exploring their environment is part of their growth. Also, there are some children who like to observe first before they join in and participate in activities. This does not mean that they are uninterested. In fact, it goes to show that they are watching and absorbing before they participate in activities.
Any new student can drop in for one trial class only. We encourage families to sign up for a whole term as our classes are developmental and are part of a holistic process. Most children start participating and fully grasping the classes on the 3rd or 4th session of a term. Drop in classes defeat the purpose and intention of our classes, which is to establish routines and rituals that can only be learned through consistency. Students are not able to maximize the class benefits if they only come for drop-ins, and do not go through the process consistently.
In addition to one weekly Kindermusik class, the term fee includes free weekday playroom access throughout the term as well as digital home materials.
If needed, the day and time of your child's regular class may be changed - subject to availability.
Our class levels are based on the child's age (i.e. Foundations for 0-12 months old, Level 1 for 1-2 years old, Level 2 for 2-3 years old, Level 3 for 3-4 years old, Level 4 for 4-5 years old, Voice for 5-7 years old). However, as every child is different out teachers may recommend to change the class level for the child's developmental benefits. Those changes may be arranged throughout the term and a different class may be assigned, subject to availability.
Baumhaus uses a robust online class management system which allows clients to book classes and settle payment online as well as check the most updated schedule of classes anytime. In order to book a trial class, kindly create a personal account first by following the below steps:
- Open the link: https://sval-smart-systems.com/baumhaus/portal/
- Click ""Create an Account"" and complete all details.
- Once all has been completed successfully, a message will be displayed that an automatic email has been sent to your email account.
- Confirm the link in your email account.
- You may now log in with your email and password.
- Click on the term you wish to schedule classes for and select the weekly classes you wish to book.
Term registrations are accepted on an ongoing-basis. The term fee will be pro-rated based on how many classes are being scheduled.
Clients with an existing personal account may edit the account by following the below steps:
- Open the link: https://sval-smart-systems.com/baumhaus/portal/
- Log in with your email and password
- On the upper left corner, click on ""manage my account"".
- On the next screen, click on "" add child"".
- Enter child’s details, and then click “add student”
- It should show you a note that says, “student successfully added”
- Click “go back” to check or “add more” if you wish to add another child
Please note that for classes offered in our satellite venues, individual booking procedures apply.
Baumhaus is open on public holidays in Wan Chai 9am to 6pm. However, no classes are offered on these days. If your child’s class falls on a public holiday, an alternative class may be arranged. Please follow the below steps:
- Open the link: https://sval-smart-systems.com/baumhaus/portal/
- Log in with your email and password
- Click on ""Manage my Account"" in order to see the saved children under your account
- Click on the calendar symbol next to your child's name to see the booked classes
- Click on ""details"" next to the class that you wish to change
- Click on ""make up"" and select a class slot to replace the originally booked class. The class schedules that are available are displayed for your reference as well.
- Please review the class change carefully before confirming.
- Once confirmed an email confirmation will be sent to you.
Subject to availability, term-time students are offered a maximum of two to three make-up classes for notified missed classes, to be used up within the current term during special weekends and/or, where relevant, during camp immediately following the term. Make-up classes cannot be carried forward to another term. It is not possible to reschedule a missed make-up class. It is necessary to provide advance 24-hours notice when you cannot attend a class. Alternatively, a doctor's certificate may be forwarded. Make up classes can be booked or future unattended classes put on hold through the Parent Portal in our online class booking system.
Make up classes need to be booked at least 24 hours before the originally booked class will be missed. In order to book a make up class, kindly follow the steps below:
- Open the link: https://sval-smart-systems.com/baumhaus/portal/
- Log in with your email and password
- Click on ""Manage my Account"" in order to see the saved children under your account
- Click on the calendar symbol next to your child's name to see the booked classes
- Click on ""details"" next to the class that you wish to change
- Click on ""make up"" and select a class slot to replace the originally booked class. The class schedules that are available are displayed for your reference as well.
- Please review the class change carefully before confirming.
- Once confirmed an email confirmation will be sent to you.
You may mark a class as not attending (put on hold) and arrange a make up class at a later stage. Notification needs to be made at least 24-hours before the missed class. Please follow the below steps:
- Open the link: https://sval-smart-systems.com/baumhaus/portal/
- Log in with your email and password
- Click on ""Manage my Account"" in order to see the saved children under your account
- Click on the calendar symbol next to your child's name to see the booked classes
- Click on ""details"" next to the class that you wish to change
- Click on ""put on hold"""
Clients with an existing personal account may check the most updated schedule of booked classes online anytime by following the below steps:
- Open the link: https://sval-smart-systems.com/baumhaus/portal/
- Log in with your email and password
- On the upper left corner, click on ""manage my account"".
- Click on the calendar symbol next to your child’s name to see the most updated schedule of classes.
Baumhaus is offering a referral program and you may find more information here or email info@baumhaus.com.hk.
Digital Home Materials
Kindermusik@Home (Digital Home Materials) is a robust web app where you can access your favourite Kindermusik songs, activities, music, eBooks, and lyrics any time from your smart phone, iPad, tablet, laptop, or computer. With recipes, learning games for kids, crafts, and more in a green-friendly digital format, we make it easy for parents and caregivers to actively support their children’s learning.
All families who register for at least 4 consecutive term classes will receive digital home materials.
You will have access to these resources during the term you are registered for up to one week after your enrollment ends. Beyond that, you will retain your “Best of” album on the app, and three bonus tracks from class that you can select within your my.kindermusik account.
Playroom & Cafe
Temperature and health check will be required in the reception. Children or adult with any of the following symptoms WILL NOT be admitted to the Centre:
- A temperature over 37.5 degrees C (temperature will be checked on arrival)
- An earache
- A deep, hacking cough
- Severe congestion
- Difficulty breathing or untreated wheezing
- An unexplained rash
- Acute symptoms of food poisoning/gastroenteritis
- Vomiting (in last 48 hours)
- Diarrhea (in last 48 hours)
- Complaints of a stiff neck and headache with one or more of the above symptoms
- Head lice or nits
- An infectious /contagious condition
- A child who is on an antibiotic for less than 48 hours
Baumhaus WILL REFUSE entry to any child or adult with the slightest flu symptoms and temperature above 37.5C.
Mandatory hand sanitizing is required.
Our playroom is open from Mondays to Sundays from 9am to 6pm (public holidays included). As for some weekends and public holidays, the playroom might be closed for a limited time for private events. Please check our social media and website for updated information.
Free weekday playroom entrance fee is included for those registered for our term classes. For non-registered children, the daily playroom fee is HKD 150 per child (for children from 6 month old). A 50% discounted fee applies to siblings.
The Baumhaus playroom is tailor-made for children 0-4 years old.
Included in the term fee is free weekday playroom access for your child. If your regular scheduled class is on a weekend, you receive additional playroom access on the day of your class (Saturday or Sunday). Standard playroom entry fees apply to all on weekends and public holidays.
Students who are enrolled on the weekdays who wish to use the playroom on weekends or public holidays will be charged a discounted fee of 75HKD.
Our playroom is open for walk-in guests, subject to availability. For non-registered children, the daily playroom fee is HKD 150 per child (for children from 6 month old). A 50% discounted fee applies to siblings. There is no reservation required and access will be granted on a first come-first served basis. Priority goes to families who are registered for our classes.
We do not take any reservations for the playroom or our cafe. Our center is open for walk-in guests, subject to availability.
In order to protect all families's privacy it is not allowed to take photos or videos in the playroom.
Our goal is to build a community and an environment that is as adult-friendly as it is child-friendly. We encourage friendships to form over coffee and conversation between adults and caregivers while their children play and express themselves in our safe, nurturing space. Our coffee lounge offers food and drink menus and facilities to bring convenience to mealtimes for the whole family.
Please note that no outside food and drinks are allowed, except for baby food for children up to 2 years old.
Birthday Parties
Baumhaus offers exclusive birthday parties in our Wan Chai center as well as mobile parties in your preferred private venue. You may find more information under birthday parties.
T1 & T3, and Amber & Red Rain:
Baumhaus operates as normal during a T1 & T3, and during Amber & Red Rain. All classes will run as scheduled in such conditions. Please exercise caution when traveling to and from Baumhaus.
T8 & above, and Black Rain:
Baumhaus will be closed when a T8 or above is hoisted, and/or when Black Rain signal is in effect. We will open, and classes will resume 2 hours after such warnings are lowered or removed.
Classes that are cancelled due to such conditions will not be rescheduled. However, if you have a make up class remaining (2-3 during term time; 1 during camp), you may request a make up class in lieu of such a missed class. Make up classes can be booked through the Parent Portal in our online class booking system.